Wednesday 28 October 2009

Waiting lists to join the WI

Women's Institutes in London are now so popular that would-be members are being turned away.
A six-month waiting list to join is in place at three of the city's WIs - Shoreditch, Islington and Wimbledon.
Islington's WI, currently the city's largest, has had to turn away 60 women, while there are 38 people on the waiting list to join in Wimbledon.
A WI spokeswoman said it showed many women in London were desperate to reconnect with their local community.
Amy Bick said: "One thing that attracts people in London to the WI is the sense of community.
"A lot of people living in a big city don't really have a sense of knowing people in their local area."
And Ms Bick thinks the recession has only accelerated demand.

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