Tuesday 20 October 2009


All from
Rennison, Nick, 'The London Blue Plaque Guide' (3rd ed.), Stroud: the History Press, 2009


Kitchener of Khartoum (1850-1916)
2 Carlton Gardens SW1

'If Kitchener was not a great man her was at least a great poster' (p144)

T.E.Lawrence (1888-1935)
Archaeologist, Soldier, Airman
Helped to excavate the Hitite City of Carchemish
Possessed an unexpected talent for guerilla warfare
Wrote 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' and led Arab revolt
Killed in motorcycle crash aged 47. (p151)

Lord Palmerston PM (1748-1865)
20 Queen Annes Gate SW1 (born)
4 Carlton Gardens SW1 (lived
Naval and Military (In and Out Club) 94 Piccadilly W1
Foreign Secretary. Became Prime Minister when the difficulties of the Crimean War brought down the government (SOUND FAMILIAR?)
Last words "Die my dear Doctor? that is the last thing I shall do!" (p192)

Noel-Baker, Philip (1889-1992)
16 South Eaton Place SW1
Olympic Athelete, Soldier, Medic and Nobel Peace Prize Winner. (p187)

Maxim, Sir Hiram (1840-1916)
Inventor of the Maxim Machine Gun (p170)

Gray, Henry (1827-1861)
8 Wilton Street SW1
Anatomist and author of 'Gray's Anatomy' (p105)

McIndoe, Sir Archibold (1900-1960)
One of the first pioneers of plastic surgery
'helped to rehabilitate, both physically and psychologically, many hundreds of airmen badly disfigured in crashes in fires - many of whom became the Guinea Pig Club.'

Gillies, Sir Harold
71 Frognal NW3
Facial Plastic Surgeon

Gibson, Guy VC (1918-1949)
One of the Dambuster pilots - 'a man born for war... born to fall in war'.

42 Rutland Gate SW7
Founder of Eugenics (p95)

Fleming, Ian (1908-1964)
22 Ebury Street SW1

Baden Powell (1857-1941)
Hyde Park Gate SW7
Light Dragoon, and founder of the Scout movement

Beresford, Jack
Olympian. Carried the national flag at the 1936 Berlin Olympics
Father also an Olympian and injured in WW1.

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