Sunday 22 November 2009

Female Breadwinners

"The only British report to look explicitly at the issue was published in 2007 by the Future Foundation. The report found only 14% of UK homes had a female breadwinner, but the same study predicted that this number would double by 2030. The issue, however, is one that society is struggling with. Although gender expectations for family roles are nothing like as rigid as they once were, an Ipsos MORI poll conducted for the Observer last year found that 30% of all people – and 32% of young people – agreed with the statement: "The role of women in society is to be good mothers and wives".

Saturday 21 November 2009

Artificial Sperm and Eggs



Artificial Wombs

...In addition, if combined with cloning technology, artificial wombs raise the prospect that gay couples could give 'birth' to their own children. ...

Gelfand also warned that artificial wombs could have unexpected consequences for working women and health insurance. 'They would mean that women would no longer need maternity leave - which employers could become increasingly reluctant to give.

'It may also turn out that artificial wombs provide safer environments than natural wombs which can be invaded by drugs and alcohol from a mother's body. Health insurance companies could actually insist that women opt for the artificial way.

deliberate single motherhood

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Crises are good for us

Nomura Interest in UK

Announcing its second straight quarter of profit Wednesday, Japan's largest brokerage by revenue posted a net profit of Y27.72 billion in the second quarter, compared with a net loss of Y72.87 billion in the same period last year, and Y11.42 billion net profit in the first quarter this year.

It attributed the quarter's gains to the recovery in financial markets and the addition of the Lehman businesses it bought late last year to its stable of operations.

"We want to establish (ourselves) as a global investment bank and move to the next stage," Nomura Chief Financial Officer Masafumi Nakada said at a press conference.

Nomura bought the European and Asian operations of failed Lehman Brothers late last year, in the wake of the financial crisis. For the first time, its international revenue, which had posted "solid" growth, exceeded its domestic revenue, it said.

The ascent of women

Japanese research improves possibility of mature fertility

Gender Gap in Business

Nomura, Lehman's and Women

Nomura kicked off a training session for new hires in April by separating the men and women. The women, including Harvard graduates hired by Lehman Brothers before it collapsed, were taught how to wear their hair, serve tea and choose their wardrobes according to the season, say executives who fielded a complaint about the session.
Asked about the training sessions for new hires, a Nomura spokeswoman said that both sexes were taught business etiquette, and the men and women were trained separately for logistical reasons.

Mrs Watanebe

Mrs Watanebe

Monday 16 November 2009